Olaigatan 11, 703 61 Örebro // +46 19-611 53 63

Guidelines due to the Corona virus

To minimize the risk of spreading the Corona virus, please see our guidelines below.

There are a number of people staying at Hotel Göta every day, guests who have traveled nationally and internationally. We stay updated and make efforts to prevent the rapid spread of Covid-19.

We disinfect all touch surfaces several times a day, such as card terminals, door handles, reception desk, toilets, coffee & milk jugs, keys, key trays, etc.

All guests and all staff have access to bactericidal agents at reception and in the breakfast room and all are invited to use them regularly and at every arrival at the hotel.

We kindly request you to respect our guidelines and show consideration to other guests and staff. We see that you as a guest help and show extra consideration to follow the advice of the Public Health Authority:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water for at least 1 minute.
  • Cough and sneeze in the arm fold or in a paper handkerchief, throw immediately.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
  • Pay attention to symptoms of covid-19 such as: fever, cough, respiratory distress, sniff, sore throat, headache, nausea, muscle and joint pain.

If you're feeling ill, you should not stay anywhere else than your room. For breakfast, call reception at 019-611 53 63 to have a breakfast bag allocated outside your room. Recalls that these efforts are to protect and minimize the risk of spread.

In an emergency situation you call the emergency services at 112, Hotel Göta is located on Olaigatan 11.

We hope the flu season is over soon!

Thank you for your help and warm welcome to Hotell Göta!